PhD & PostDoc Retreat

Every year in October, the Ajités organize a short retreat of 3 days, open to PhD students and PostDocs of the Paris Brain Institute. In recent years this activity has also been co-organized with other institutes too (notably the Institute of Neurology from London in 2017 and 2018, for a Retreat being held respectively in London and in Paris).

The purpose was for the young researchers from the various subfields of neuroscience in the ICM to present their work to each other by means of a poster or a short presentation, and to learn from the PIs that also present their field of research in a longer presentation. As meta-scientific activities, we hosted the Brain Booster Challenge - where researchers were stimulated to conceive and pitch a new project, tightly or more vaguely related to research - and a group discussion about the academic world and the Imposter Syndrome, animated by a psychiatrist.

2022 Internal Workshop

We're happy to announce that the Internal Ajites Workshop is almost here!


SAVE THE DATE — 25th to 27th of November

We will depart from the ICM by bus on the 25th late afternoon, and return after lunch on the 27th. The venue will be around 2 hours from Paris.

Attendance is free with all the costs covered by the Les Ajités. To participate you need to simply choose to present a poster or an oral presentation (10min+5min Q&A) by submitting a short abstract upon registration.  

You can register through this form

Bear in mind: the number of places is limited to a maximum of 40 people (PhD students and Post-Docs) that will be selected on the basis of 1st come/1st served. 

Besides the poster and presentation sessions, there will be a group activity and plenty of time to discuss science and enjoy free time together.

Don't miss out on this opportunity, we hope to see you there!


Would you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the organizers: