Science Pizza

During lunchtime on (usually) the first Wednesday of the month, we invite speakers to discuss their work that is closely, loosely, or not at all related to neuroscience. The purpose is to inspire and entertain researchers from the Institute with talks that make you look at science with a broader scope.

After the talk, attendees are invited to have pizzas and soft drinks that are provided by the Ajités..

Do you have any idea for a speaker that you would like us to invite? Please drop us an email and we will be happy to organize it!

Past Event

Poster June.pdf

Pushing the limits of Einstein's theory of gravity and quantum mechanics to unravel the mystery of black holes

Pierre Vanhove

June 15th 2023 — Auditorium

Join us in the Auditorium on Thursday June 15th at 12:00, to hear Dr. Pierre Vanhove talk about the mysteries of black holes !!

From their incredibly powerful gravitational force,  even light cannot escape, rendering them invisible. Still, they have a profound influence on their surroundings, playing a crucial role in shaping our universe. Studying and thinking about black holes has provided us with significant knowledge about how the universe works. However, black holes are still mysterious and difficult to understand. To uncover their secrets, we need to push the theories of gravity by Einstein and quantum mechanics to their limits. 

So come and meet us in the Auditorium next Thursday and don’t forget to stay for the pizza afterwards!

Archive of Previous Science Pizzas

November 3rd 2020

September 13th 2023 — Claire Levy-Marchal

Why should we care about scientific integrity?

Join us in the Auditorium on Wednesday September 13th at 12.00, to hear Claire Levy-Marchal, scientific integrity referent, talk about Why should we care about scientific integrity?

Scientific integrity is a notion that everybody is aware of and seems a necessary benchmark value, although many are unaware what it encompasses. Likewise, only a limited number of researchers understand how to appropriately respond when they encounter misconduct or violations of scientific integrity. At this Science Pizza, we will delve into the multifaceted dimensions of scientific integrity and go over the measures taken at ICM in this regard.

Come and meet us in the Auditorium next Wednesday and don’t forget to stay for the pizza!

June 15th 2023 — Pierre Vanhove

Pushing the limits of Einstein's theory of gravity and quantum mechanics to unravel the mystery of black holes 

Join us in the Auditorium on Thursday June 15th at 12:00, to hear Dr. Pierre Vanhove talk about the mysteries of black holes !!

From their incredibly powerful gravitational force,  even light cannot escape, rendering them invisible. Still, they have a profound influence on their surroundings, playing a crucial role in shaping our universe. Studying and thinking about black holes has provided us with significant knowledge about how the universe works. However, black holes are still mysterious and difficult to understand. To uncover their secrets, we need to push the theories of gravity by Einstein and quantum mechanics to their limits. 

So come and meet us in the Auditorium next Thursday and don’t forget to stay for the pizza afterwards!

May 16th 2023Hélène Vanlerberghe

How what you eat for lunch influences your performance and well-being at work? 

Join us in the Auditorium on Tuesday May 16th at 12.00, to hear Hélène Vanlerberghe talk about how what you eat for lunch influences your performance and well-being at work.

Lunch is a very important meal; it recharges the body's batteries for the rest of the day. However, the type of food we choose to consume has different consequences on our ability to overcome the afternoon slump.  Hélène will tell us how we can help our brain function to its full potential by paying attention to the quality of our lunch meal.  

So come and meet us in the Auditorium next Tuesday and don’t forget to stay for the pizza afterwards!

April 19th 2023 — Radhia Kacher, for the Gender Equity Movement 

The Influence of Gender on Mentor Selection and Quality of Mentorship — Insights from a scientific study 

Join us in the Auditorium on Wednesday April 19th at 12.00, to hear Radhia Kacher from the Gender Equity Movement talk about the importance of gender when selecting a mentor.

The impact of having a good mentor on one's career cannot be overstated. However, choosing a mentor can be a daunting task, and recent studies have raised questions about whether gender influences the quality of mentorship. Radhia will focus on one study on this matter, that concentrates on mentorship in scientific collaborations. By delving into this study, she will help us have a better understanding of how scientists approach this question and whether gender plays a role in this process.

So take your mentor or mentee and meet us in the Auditorium next Wednesday and don’t forget to stay for the pizza afterwards!

February 8th 2023 — Emmanuelle Delagoutte

Tardigrades: tiny & strong... but sometimes capricious! 

Dr. Emmanuelle Delagoutte will tell us everything about these tiny and strong, but sometime capricious creatures... Indeed, tardigrades are microscopic animals with exceptional resilience! She will describe the world of tardigrades with specific focus on their discovery, life cycle, life forms and resistance mechanisms. 

Then she will go more in depth on the three tardigrade species that are bred in her laboratory (the Genomics and Physionomy of Adaptation team of the National Museum of Natural History) and describe how they are used in their research projects.

So, if you're even a tiny bit curious about these 8-leggegd animals, use your own feet and come to the auditorium at 12:00 on Wednesday 8th February! And of course, stay for the pizza afterwards!

As always, followed by pizza!

November 14th 2022 — Angela Falciatore

Microalgae, marine rhythms & their evolutionary and ecological relevance

Contributing around 20% of annual global carbon fixation, diatoms (the world’s most diverse group of algae) underpin major aquatic food webs and drive global biogeochemical cycles. 

Come and hear how!

As always, followed by pizza!

October 4th 2022 — Ségolène Aymé & Éric Burguière (for the Institute's Ethics Committee)

How to Publish and not Perish: an ethics debate

Come and learn how to resist the multiple potential breaches to scientific integrity during the publication process, and discuss your views on concrete problematic situations (opinions can be given anonymously with Wooclap during the session).

Exceptional joint event with the COMETH (Ethics Committee of the Institute).