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Become a member :

The Ajités is an association for young researchers, by young researchers – all of whom are volunteers. Only few research institutes have associations for young researchers not run by professionals that are as active and diverse in their activities as the Ajités are. 

These activities are made possible by funds from the Paris Brain Institute, but we also need those that take part in our events to contribute financially. For only 5€ per year, you can be a member and enjoy all the activities that the Ajités have to offer. You will also be included in our mailinglist, in which we occasionally keep you updated on upcoming events and share relevant announcements from our community. Moreover, as a member you can voice your opinions in our yearly General Assembly and elect the new Bureau and CA. And, you can of course also apply to be part of the Bureau yourself!

Registering to become a member is easy and takes less than a minute! Please fill in the form below and make sure to carefully read the payment instructions at the bottom.

Proceed below if you want to become a member of the Ajités: