Les Ajités
Welcome to our website!
We are the Ajités, the association of young researchers of the Paris Brain Institute. Our members include PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, master students, engineers, and principal investigators of the institute. Our main objective is to organize activities that are science-related and social, in the interest of all those who practice science and in particular of the PhD students and postdocs.
On this website you can find out more about who we are and the different activities we organize. Furthermore, you can sign up to become a member and contact us.
The Ajités is recruting !
Organise activities, create new ones, help run the association and shape the Ajités for the upcoming year
Interested ? Let us know by filling this google form
📣 Do you know of a scientist or speaker you would like us to invite?
We are always looking for great speakers to invite to our events such as the Science Pizzas, Professional Afterworks or Brain Fuels. If you know anyone that would be good fit and that you would like to hear, please drop us an email at ajites@icm-institute.org and we will be happy to relay to to the organizing teams!
We have an event suited for every speaker and type of talk. Do not hesitate to consult the pages dedicated to each of these events if you want to understand better their respective scope!
🗓️ Don't miss our events, add the Ajités event calendar !
How to add the Ajités event calendar to your outlook :
Go to your outlook calender > Add calendar > Add from directory > Choose your account > Enter the our email adress: ajites@icm-institute.org
If your calendar provider is an external app :
Add our ICS calendar by adding the following url:
Discover our activities
Here is a list of the main recurrent activities that we organize. You can find more details about each of them in the dedicated page.
Young researchers of the institute are invited to present their research project and discuss it with a broad audience!
Monthly event
We invite external speakers from various scientific fields and enjoy stimulating discussions over pizza. Monthly event (first wednesday)
An extended discussion with the renowned speakers invited by the institute for its internal seminar. This generally takes place after the talks and we provide a nice lunch. Every Monday
The professional afterworks are an inter-association effort to get together early researchers and former researchers that have started a carrier outside academia. Every two months
All are invited to join us to the ground floor main hall and enjoy drinks and snacks with everyone. This is a great occasion to meet people from outside the walls of your lab! Every last Thursday of the month
Join our professional teachers to relax in the walls of the Institute while learning and practicing yoga!
Every week
We invite everyone, and especially foreign PhD students and postdocs to share a lunch! Every first Tuesday of the month
We hold a scientific poster contest, during which posters from PhD students and postdocs are judged by top scientific editors and we award prizes! Once a year
A scientific photo-contest where your photos are displayed at the insititute. Votes from the institute community determine the winners who are awarded for prizes ! Once a year
The Art club organizes drawing lessons, museum visits, round table discussions and jam sessions, bringing the colorfull touch to the institute.
Get together with your fellow colleagues after work and enjoy playing chess. Every wednesday
We organize a scientific workshop every year for PhD and post docs at the institute. Every two years, the workshop collaborates with another institute. Once a year
A series of seminars organized for and by postdocs from a network of 9 Parisian institutes.
Mock interviews attended by PI's to help prepare Master students for their doctoral selection interviews. Once a year
Illustrations for Science Pizza, Lunch with the Speaker, Professional Breakfast, Afterworks, Salsa & Yoga Classes, Photo Contest, Scientific Poster Prize, Art Club and International Workshops are under the Attribution Creative Commons 3.0 license, and originally designed by Vexels.